TaxWatch History

In 2013, investigative journalist and former tax-inspector Richard Brooks published the Great Tax Robbery: How Britain Became A Tax Haven For Fat Cats And Big Business, which exposed the scale of tax avoidance in the UK, looking at the role of multi-national...

TaxWatch bailout tracker

TaxWatch bailout tracker In response to the coronavirus outbreak, governments have announced unprecedented levels of support to businesses. In the UK it is estimated that over 50% of all large businesses are claiming government support to pay wages. The nature of this...
bet365 and tax havens

bet365 and tax havens

Gambling is big business. The boss of bet365, Denise Coates, has been in the press recently for paying herself the staggering amount of £323m (£277m in salary plus £46m in dividends) last year, the equivalent of £1.3m per working day. £235bn in bets have been wagered...