What is Tax Avoidance?

What is Tax Avoidance?

2nd October 2019 – George Turner For as long as taxes have existed, people have sought to avoid paying them. The term tax avoidance can be traced back to the early 1900s, and the issue has gripped the public, press and politicians ever since. Today, tax...
Is Tax Avoidance Legal?

Is Tax Avoidance Legal?

2nd October 2019 – George Turner There is a pervasive understanding amongst the public, journalists and politicians that tax avoidance is all ‘perfectly legal’. This idea is promoted by tax advisors who have a direct financial interest in convincing their...
The government tax break worth £100m+ for Heathrow

The government tax break worth £100m+ for Heathrow

20th February 2019 The government tax break worth £100m+ for Heathrow- For years Heathrow made billions in operating profit, but paid nothing in tax. We reveal how OECD attempts to tighten up the tax system have been undermined by the UK government, giving the...