International business taxation

The uncertain future of the UK’s Digital Services TaxTaxWatch reflects on the Liberal Democrat proposal to hike Digital Services Tax Read moreHow much tax did multinational companies underpay in the UK last year?A recent story about multinational companies underpaying...

UK corporation tax

Anything to declare? HMRC slips out new R&D relief disclosure facility on New Year’s Eve…Businesses who overclaimed R&D tax relief invited to disclose and repay with HMRC’s new disclosure facility, although it might not prove as popular as the...
Putting a stop to the tax fraud game

Putting a stop to the tax fraud game

27th October 2022 How ‘legal avoidance’ means getting away with tax fraud, and what needs to be done about it A joint policy paper by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax and TaxWatch Introduction Tax avoidance is legal, tax evasion...
State of Tax Administration 2022

State of Tax Administration 2022

11th February 2022 Introduction This is the first of what is to become an annual TaxWatch report on the state of tax administration in the UK. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs carry out a vital role in administering and enforcing the tax system, and with...