by Alex Dunnagan | May 24, 2022
The Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research (CICTAR) has today published its latest report looking at Amazon,1Amazon Tax Report, CICTAR, 24 May 2022, revealing the growth and scale of Amazon’s government contracts,...
by Alex Dunnagan | Oct 7, 2021
New analysis from TaxWatch reveals how the US Government is set to be the big winner from increases in taxes on big tech arising from the global tax negotiations currently underway under the auspices of the G20/OECD. In our latest research, we have analysed the gains...
by Alex Dunnagan | Oct 7, 2021
7th October 2021 US Government set to raise 3x more than rest of the world combined in tax payments from four tech companies after Global Tax Deal Raising Global Minimum Tax to 21% would see US Government raise an extra $2.5bn in tax from Apple alone Summary and...
by Alex Dunnagan | Jun 8, 2021
TaxWatch analysis shows that package agreed at the G7 would lead to a tax cut for tech companies subject to the Digital Services Tax On Saturday 5th June G7 finance ministers announced an agreement on changing the tax rules for global multinational companies. The deal...
by Alex Dunnagan | Jun 2, 2021
£45.4bn in revenues £9.6bn in profits £296m in tax paid £1.5bn in tax avoided Eight large tech companies in the UK made an estimated £9.6bn in profit from sales to UK customers in 2019, a new analysis by TaxWatch shows. But by moving money out of the UK, these...