“Amazon Tax Cut” features in Parliamentary debate

“Amazon Tax Cut” features in Parliamentary debate

On Monday 19 April MPs met to scrutinise the Finance (No. 2) Bill in a committee of the whole house. In the debate, TaxWatch’s research into “super-deductions” featured prominently, as MPs sought to amend the legislation to ensure some companies were excluded from the...
The Amazon Tax-Cut

The Amazon Tax-Cut

Coming in at an enormous £12bn for 2021/22, the Chancellor’s announcement of a “super-deduction” on purchases of capital goods by businesses was one of the largest spending items in the Spring Budget. In fact, it was one of the largest single-year tax giveaways ever...
The Amazon Tax-Cut

UK set to introduce the Amazon tax

Leaked documents reported in the Financial Times indicate that the UK is to make online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay liable to collect VAT on behalf of their sellers. The documents, described as an informal consultation, make clear that the UK is set on the...