Monitoring the bailout

Monitoring the bailout 16 June 2020 – Alex Dunnagan In response to the Coronavirus crisis, the government has made a huge and unprecedented intervention into the economy, providing vast amounts of assistance to the business sector. The comprehensive nature of...
Paying in equally?

Paying in equally?

11th May 2020 Summary There has been substantial public concern that companies that engage in tax avoidance and companies owned by tax exiles will be eligible for government support – despite those companies and individuals having chosen to not pay into the...
Wars, taxes, and excess profits

Wars, taxes, and excess profits

“The profiteering that cannot be got at by the restraints of conscience and love of country can be got at by taxation.” – US President Woodrow Wilson, 1918.1 World leaders are using wartime rhetoric in describing the current crisis. Emmanuel Macron has declared...