HMRC’s Tax Gap 2022 Edition – TaxWatch Briefing

HMRC’s Tax Gap 2022 Edition – TaxWatch Briefing

HMRC’s Tax Gap increases for 2nd year in a row on like-for-like basis Latest HMRC estimate of non-compliance £32bn, or 5.1% of total tax revenues – the same gap as a percentage in 2021. This year’s figure includes a £0.7bn revision downwards to compensate for lower...
What gets measured gets done?

What gets measured gets done?

Following the 2008 financial crisis and a series of high profile scandals, the issue of tax avoidance and evasion was brought to the fore of public concern. There has been a concerted effort to tackle this on both a domestic and an international level. HMRC has...
What gets measured gets done?

What gets measured gets done?

This paper was written by George Turner and was the basis of a presentation to the University of Exeter Business School’s Tax Administration Research Centre Conference in December 2020. Introduction The Global Financial Crisis in 2008 made tax avoidance and...
Rogue Landlords

Rogue Landlords

5th August 2020 Landlord tax evasion costing up to £1.7bn a year Summary Tax evasion by residential landlords could be costing the Treasury up to £1.73 billion a year, a new analysis by TaxWatch has found. This is more than three times the amount reported for 2010,...