by TaxWatch | Jun 21, 2023
Latest HMRC estimate of non-compliance unchanged from previous year, at 4.8% of all tax owed Absolute Tax Gap figure is £35.8bn – up from £30.8bn the previous year Changes to small business corporation tax methodology reveal a significant increase in this tax...
by Alex Dunnagan | Aug 25, 2022
We have recently had an op-ed published in the magazine HMRC Enquiries, Investigations and Powers. Below is the text in full. The Tax Fraud Gap The pressure on HMRC to tackle tax fraud is immense. After rolling out multiple coronavirus support schemes in a fast and...
by Alex Dunnagan | Jun 27, 2022
HMRC’s Tax Gap has increased for the second year in a row on a like-for-like basis. The latest HMRC estimates of non-compliance are £32bn for 2020-2021, or 5.1% of total tax revenues. This is the same gap as a percentage as seen in last year’s publication...
by George Turner | Jun 23, 2022
HMRC’s Tax Gap increases for 2nd year in a row on like-for-like basis Latest HMRC estimate of non-compliance £32bn, or 5.1% of total tax revenues – the same gap as a percentage in 2021. This year’s figure includes a £0.7bn revision downwards to compensate for lower...
by George Turner | Jan 14, 2021
Following the 2008 financial crisis and a series of high profile scandals, the issue of tax avoidance and evasion was brought to the fore of public concern. There has been a concerted effort to tackle this on both a domestic and an international level. HMRC has...