Chancellor grasps at the magic money tree whilst tacitly admitting HMRC’s prosecution rates are so low they haven’t been deterring evasion.
Government’s Spring Statement hopes compliance and debt collection efforts pay off to recover more tax lost to avoidance
Curiously incurious: HMRC’s failures on tax evasion
The latest report from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) paints a concerning picture of tax evasion in the UK retail sector. It highlights significant gaps in enforcement, underestimated scale of evasion, and a worrying decline in prosecutions. The report raises significant concerns about HMRC’s seemingly incurious approach to the scale of tax evasion.
Transforming Tax: HMRC’s digital and compliance revolution under scrutiny
A new report released today shows that HMRC’s costs are rising, but questions their efficiency and approaches to digitisation and compliance.
Late filing penalties where no tax is due: time for a different approach?
HMRC levy over £100m of penalties for late filing on 1.1 million individuals many of whom won’t owe any income tax. Such a policy is bad for our tax regime overall and undermines trust, it needs to change.
Anything to declare? HMRC slips out new R&D relief disclosure facility on New Year’s Eve…
Businesses who overclaimed R&D tax relief invited to disclose and repay with HMRC’s new disclosure facility, although it might not prove as popular as the Government hopes
A ‘guestimate not an estimate?’ PAC grills HMRC top brass about its lack of strategy on tax evasion in online retail
Public Accounts committee grill HMRC for not having a strategic plan nor reliable estimate for on tax evasion in online retail sector.
Declaring an interest – why HMRC’s hike in charges on late paid tax is so concerning
Autumn Budget increases interest charge on late paid tax debt, exacerbating problems with those struggling to pay. Interest seems to be used to raise revenue and drive compliance, a concerning development.
TaxWatch’s initial reaction to Autumn Budget 2024
Rachel Reeves’ first Autumn Budget makes for a mixed bag of delivering a fairer tax system whilst raising government revenue
New statistics show £300m lost to offshore tax gap on over 7million accounts held overseas likely to be gross underestimate
HMRC’s first estimate of the offshore tax gap for 2018, seems a wild underestimate at just £300 million based on questionable methodological choices.